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Label & SDS

EPA Label: link

Registration information

  • U.S. EPA Registration number: 100-1313
  • U.S. EPA Status: ACTIVE


'Amistar Top' is a fungicide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 100-1313. It was originally approved by EPA on 30 Dec 2008. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Azoxystrobin and Difenoconazole. It's approved for 156 sites including almonds, apricots, arracacia, arrowroot, balsam apple, balsam pear, beans, beech nut, bitter cassava, and bitter melon. It is also approved for 89 pests and pest groups including but not limited to alternaria fruit spot, alternaria leaf and fruit spot, alternaria spp., angular leaf spot, anthracnose, anthracnose of grape, ascochyta blight, belly rot, bitter rot, and black mold.

Original registration date:

  • 30 Dec 2008

Cancellation date:

  • n/a

Alternative names:

  • AMISTAR TOPAlternate


  • Address:
    410 Swing Road
    Greensboro, NC 27419

Active ingredients:

  • Azoxystrobin 18.2%
  • Difenoconazole 11.4%
  • Other ingredients 70.4%

Signal word:

  • Caution

Product type:

  • Fungicide


  • Emulsifiable Concentrate

Registered target pests:

  • Alternaria fruit spot
  • Alternaria leaf and fruit spot
  • Alternaria spp.
  • Angular leaf spot
  • Anthracnose (colletotricum)
  • Anthracnose (glomerella)
  • Anthracnose of grape (birds eye rot)(elsinoe ampelina)
  • Ascochyta blight
  • Belly rot (fusarium)
  • Bitter rot (colletotrichum)
  • Black mold (alternaria)
  • Black rot of grapes (guignardia bidwellii)
  • Black sheath rot (gaeumannomyces)
  • Black spot
  • Boll rot
  • Botrytis bunch rot
  • Botrytis leaf blight
  • Brown leaf spot
  • Brown rot blossom/twig blight (monilinia fructicola/m. laxa)
  • Brown spot
  • Brown spot (alternaria)
  • Cercospora spot
  • Citrus scab (elsinoe fawcetti)
  • Colletotrichum
  • Cotton rust (puccinia)
  • Cranberry hard rot (cottonball) (monilinia oxycocci)
  • Downy leaf spot (mycosphaerella)
  • Downy mildew (peronospora)
  • Downy mildew of grape (plasmopara viticola)
  • Early blight (alternaria)
  • Eastern filbert blight
  • Foliar diseases
  • Frogeye leaf spot (cercospora)
  • Fruit rot (coleophoma)
  • Fruit rot (glomerella)
  • Fruit rot (physalospora)
  • Gray leaf spot (pyricularia)
  • Gray leaf spot (stemphylium)
  • Greasy spot (mycosphaerella citri/cercospora citrigrisea)
  • Kernel smut (neovossia)
  • Leaf blight (alternaria)
  • Leaf blight (helminthosporium)
  • Leaf blight (seimatosporium)
  • Leaf blight (stemphylium)
  • Leaf blights
  • Leaf blotch (cladosporium)
  • Leaf mold
  • Leaf rust
  • Leaf smut of rice (entyloma oryzae)
  • Leaf spot (alternaria)
  • Leaf spot (ascochyta)
  • Leaf spot (cercospora)
  • Leaf spot (septoria)
  • Leaf spot (stemphylium)
  • Liver spot (gnomonia)
  • Melanose (diaporthe)
  • Mildew
  • Narrow brown leaf spot (cercospora)
  • No pest
  • Panicle blast (pyricularia grisea)
  • Phomopsis cane blight and leaf spot
  • Pod blight of soybean (diaporthe phaseolorum var. sojae)
  • Post bloom fruit drop disease
  • Powdery mildew (erysiphe cichoracearum)
  • Powdery mildew (erysiphe polygoni)
  • Powdery mildew (leveillula)
  • Powdery mildew (microsphaera)
  • Powdery mildew (oidiopsis)
  • Powdery mildew (uncinula necator)
  • Purple blotch (alternaria)
  • Rust
  • Rust (puccinia)
  • Rust (tranzschelia)
  • Rust (uromyces)
  • Scab (cladosporium)
  • Scab (venturia)
  • Scab of pecan/hickory (cladosporium effusum)
  • Sheath blight (rhizoctonia)
  • Shoot blight (botryosphaeria)
  • Shot hole
  • Stem blight of soybean (diaporthe phaseolorum var. sojae)
  • Stem rot (sclerotium)
  • Stem-end rot (diplodia)
  • Stem-end rot (phomopsis)
  • Target spot (corynespora)
  • Twig blight (lophodermium)
  • Vein spot (gnomonia nerviseda)
  • White rust (albugo)
  • Zonate leaf spot of pecan (cristulariella pyramidalis)

Registered target sites:

  • Almonds (foliar treatment)
  • Apricots (foliar treatment)
  • Arracacia (foliar treatment)
  • Arrowroot (foliar treatment)
  • Balsam apple (foliar treatment)
  • Balsam pear (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (dry) (foliar treatment)
  • Beech nut (foliar treatment)
  • Bitter cassava (foliar treatment)
  • Bitter melon (foliar treatment)
  • Black walnut (foliar treatment)
  • Blueberries (delayed dormant application)
  • Blueberries (dormant application)
  • Blueberries (foliar treatment)
  • Blueberries (high bush) (delayed dormant application)
  • Blueberries (high bush) (foliar treatment)
  • Blueberries (low bush) (delayed dormant application)
  • Blueberries (low bush) (dormant application)
  • Blueberries (low bush) (foliar treatment)
  • Brazil nut (foliar treatment)
  • Broccoli (foliar treatment)
  • Broccoli raab (foliar treatment)
  • Brussels sprouts (foliar treatment)
  • Bushberries (delayed dormant application)
  • Bushberries (dormant application)
  • Bushberries (foliar treatment)
  • Butternut squash (foliar treatment)
  • Butternuts (foliar treatment)
  • Cabbage (foliar treatment)
  • Calamondin (foliar treatment)
  • Canna (foliar treatment)
  • Cantaloupes (foliar treatment)
  • Carrots (foliar treatment)
  • Cashews (foliar treatment)
  • Cauliflower (foliar treatment)
  • Chayote (foliar treatment)
  • Cherries (foliar treatment)
  • Cherries (sweet) (foliar treatment)
  • Cherries (tart) (foliar treatment)
  • Chestnut (foliar treatment)
  • Chick peas (foliar treatment)
  • Chilean guava (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese artichoke (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese broccoli (gai lon) (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (bok choy) (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (gai choy) (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (mizuna) (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (napa) (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese cucumbers (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese okra (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese okra (hechima) (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese waxgourd (foliar treatment)
  • Chinquapin (foliar treatment)
  • Chironja (foliar treatment)
  • Chive (foliar treatment)
  • Chufa (foliar treatment)
  • Citron (citrus) (foliar treatment)
  • Citron melon (foliar treatment)
  • Collards (foliar treatment)
  • Cotton (foliar treatment)
  • Cranberries (foliar treatment)
  • Cranberries (water treatment)
  • Cucumbers (foliar treatment)
  • Cucumbers (greenhouse-foliar treatment)
  • Cucuzzi (foliar treatment)
  • Dasheen (foliar treatment)
  • Daylilies (foliar treatment)
  • Eggplant (foliar treatment)
  • Elderberry (delayed dormant application)
  • Elderberry (dormant application)
  • Elderberry (foliar treatment)
  • English walnuts (foliar treatment)
  • Filberts (foliar treatment)
  • Garlic (foliar treatment)
  • Gherkin (foliar treatment)
  • Ginger (foliar treatment)
  • Ginseng (foliar treatment)
  • Gooseberries (delayed dormant application)
  • Gooseberries (dormant application)
  • Gooseberries (foliar treatment)
  • Gourds (edible) (foliar treatment)
  • Grapefruit (foliar treatment)
  • Grapes (foliar treatment)
  • Guava (foliar treatment)
  • Hazelnut (foliar treatment)
  • Hickory nuts (foliar treatment)
  • Honeydew melons (foliar treatment)
  • Hosta (foliar treatment)
  • Huckleberries (delayed dormant application)
  • Huckleberries (dormant application)
  • Huckleberries (foliar treatment)
  • Hyotan squash (foliar treatment)
  • Irrigation supply systems
  • Jerusalem artichoke (foliar treatment)
  • Juneberries (delayed dormant application)
  • Juneberries (foliar treatment)
  • Kale (foliar treatment)
  • Kohlrabi (foliar treatment)
  • Kumquat (foliar treatment)
  • Leeks (foliar treatment)
  • Lemons (foliar treatment)
  • Leren (foliar treatment)
  • Limes (foliar treatment)
  • Macadamia nuts (foliar treatment)
  • Mandarin (foliar treatment)
  • Muskmelons (foliar treatment)
  • Mustard (greens) (foliar treatment)
  • Mustard (spinach) (foliar treatment)
  • Nectarines (foliar treatment)
  • Onions (bulb) (foliar treatment)
  • Onions (green) (foliar treatment)
  • Oranges (sour) (foliar treatment)
  • Oranges (sweet) (foliar treatment)
  • Papayas (foliar treatment)
  • Peaches (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (dry) (foliar treatment)
  • Pecans (foliar treatment)
  • Peppers (bell) (foliar treatment)
  • Peppers (foliar treatment)
  • Peppers (sweet) (foliar treatment)
  • Pistachio nuts (foliar treatment)
  • Plums (foliar treatment)
  • Potatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Prunes (foliar treatment)
  • Pummelo (foliar treatment)
  • Pumpkin (foliar treatment)
  • Rapeseed (greens) (foliar treatment)
  • Rice (foliar treatment)
  • Satsuma mandarin (foliar treatment)
  • Shallots (foliar treatment)
  • Soybeans (foliar treatment)
  • Spaghetti squash (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (acorn) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (hubbard) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (summer) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (winter) (calabaza) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (winter) (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (zucchini) (foliar treatment)
  • Strawberries (foliar treatment)
  • Sugar beets (foliar treatment)
  • Sweet cassava (foliar treatment)
  • Sweet potatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Tangelos (foliar treatment)
  • Tangerines (foliar treatment)
  • Tangor (foliar treatment)
  • Taniers (foliar treatment)
  • Tomatillo (foliar treatment)
  • Tomatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Turnips (greens) (foliar treatment)
  • Watercress (foliar treatment)
  • Watermelon (foliar treatment)
  • Welsh onion (foliar treatment)
  • Wild rice (foliar treatment)
  • Yam bean (foliar treatment)
  • Yams (true) (foliar treatment)