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Label & SDS

EPA Label: link

Registration information

  • U.S. EPA Registration number: 16-179
  • U.S. EPA Status: CANCELLED


'Dragon Carbaryl 2l Concentrate Insecticide' is an insecticide and miticide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 16-179. It was originally approved by EPA on 05 Dec 2002. Its registration got cancelled on 21 Jul 2005. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Carbaryl. It's approved for 81 sites including almonds, apples, apricots, asparagus, beans, beets, blackberries, blackeyed peas, blueberries, and boysenberries. It is also approved for 134 pests and pest groups including but not limited to alfalfa caterpillar, apache cicada, apple aphid, apple maggot, apple mealybug, apple pandemis, apple rust mite, apple sucker, armyworm, and asparagus beetle.

Original registration date:

  • 05 Dec 2002

Cancellation date:

  • 21 Jul 2005

Alternative names:



  • Address:
    71 Carolyn Blvd
    Farmingdale, NY 11735

Active ingredients:

  • Carbaryl 22.5%
  • Other ingredients 77.5%

Signal word:

  • Caution

Product type:

  • Insecticide
  • Miticide


  • Emulsifiable Concentrate

Registered target pests:

  • Alfalfa caterpillar
  • Apache cicada
  • Apple aphid
  • Apple maggot
  • Apple mealybug
  • Apple pandemis
  • Apple rust mite
  • Apple sucker
  • Armyworm
  • Asparagus beetle
  • Aster leafhopper
  • Avocado leafroller
  • Bagworm
  • Bean leaf beetle
  • Black cherry aphid
  • Black scale
  • Blackmargined aphid
  • Blister beetles
  • Blueberry maggot
  • Brown rot
  • Brown rot (monilinia)
  • Brown soft scale
  • Calico scale
  • California orangedog
  • California pearslug
  • California red scale
  • Cherry fruitworm
  • Cherry maggot
  • Chinch bug
  • Citricola scale
  • Citrus cutworm
  • Citrus root weevil
  • Citrus snow scale
  • Codling moth
  • Colorado potato beetle
  • Corn earworm
  • Corn rootworm beetles (adult)
  • Cowpea curculio
  • Cranberry fruitworm
  • Cucumber beetles
  • Cutworms
  • Eastern tent caterpillar
  • European apple sawfly
  • European corn borer
  • European earwig
  • European fruit lecanium
  • European raspberry aphid
  • Eyespotted bud moth
  • Fall armyworm
  • Fall webworm
  • Filbert aphid
  • Filbert leafroller
  • Filbert worm
  • Flea beetles
  • Forbes scale
  • Frosted scale
  • Fruittree leafroller
  • Grasshoppers
  • Green cloverworm
  • Green fruitworm
  • Harlequin bug
  • Hickory shuckworm
  • Imported cabbageworm
  • Japanese beetle
  • June beetles
  • Lace bugs
  • Leafhoppers
  • Leafrollers
  • Lecanium scales
  • Lesser appleworm
  • Lesser peachtree borer
  • Lesser webworm
  • Limabean pod borer
  • Lygus bugs
  • Mealy plum aphid
  • Melonworm
  • Mexican bean beetle
  • Navel orangeworm
  • Olive scale
  • Olive scale (crawlers)
  • Omnivorous leafroller
  • Orange tortrix
  • Oriental fruit moth
  • Oystershell scale
  • Pea leaf weevil
  • Peach twig borer
  • Pear psylla
  • Pear rust mite
  • Pear sawfly
  • Pearleaf blister mite
  • Pecan leaf phylloxera
  • Pecan nut casebearer
  • Pecan spittlebug
  • Pecan weevil
  • Periodical cicada
  • Pickleworm
  • Plum curculio
  • Powdery mildew
  • Powdery mildew (phyllosticta)
  • Prune leafhopper
  • Raspberry sawfly
  • Redbanded leafroller
  • Rednecked peanutworm
  • Rose chafer
  • Rosy apple aphid
  • San jose scale
  • Sap beetles
  • Snowy tree cricket
  • Southwestern corn borer
  • Spittlebugs
  • Squash bug
  • Stink bugs
  • Tarnished plant bug
  • Tentiform leafminers
  • Threecornered alfalfa hopper
  • Thrips
  • Tomato fruitworm
  • Tomato hornworm
  • Tomato pinworm
  • Tussock moths
  • Twig girdler
  • Variegated leafroller
  • Velvetbean caterpillar
  • Walnut caterpillar
  • Webworms
  • West indian sugarcane root borer (adult)
  • Western bean cutworm
  • Western tussock moth
  • White apple leafhopper
  • Whitefringed beetles (adult)
  • Woolly apple aphid
  • Yellow scale
  • Yellowheaded fireworm
  • Yellowstriped armyworm

Registered target sites:

  • Almonds (delayed dormant application)
  • Almonds (foliar treatment)
  • Apples (foliar treatment)
  • Apricots (foliar treatment)
  • Asparagus (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (dry) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (green) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (lima) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (navy) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (snap) (foliar treatment)
  • Beets (garden) (foliar treatment)
  • Blackberries (foliar treatment)
  • Blackeyed peas (foliar treatment)
  • Blueberries (foliar treatment)
  • Boysenberries (foliar treatment)
  • Broccoli (foliar treatment)
  • Brussels sprouts (foliar treatment)
  • Cabbage (foliar treatment)
  • Carrots (foliar treatment)
  • Cauliflower (foliar treatment)
  • Celery (foliar treatment)
  • Cherries (bark treatment)
  • Cherries (foliar treatment)
  • Chinese cabbage (foliar treatment)
  • Citron melon (foliar treatment)
  • Citrus (foliar treatment)
  • Collards (foliar treatment)
  • Corn (foliar treatment)
  • Cowpeas (foliar treatment)
  • Crowder peas (foliar treatment)
  • Cucumbers (foliar treatment)
  • Dandelion (foliar treatment)
  • Dewberries (foliar treatment)
  • Eggplant (foliar treatment)
  • Endive (escarole) (foliar treatment)
  • Filberts (foliar treatment)
  • Grapefruit (foliar treatment)
  • Hanover salad (foliar treatment)
  • Horseradish (foliar treatment)
  • Kale (foliar treatment)
  • Kohlrabi (foliar treatment)
  • Kumquat (foliar treatment)
  • Lemons (foliar treatment)
  • Lettuce (foliar treatment)
  • Limes (foliar treatment)
  • Loganberries (foliar treatment)
  • Melons (foliar treatment)
  • Mustard (greens) (foliar treatment)
  • Nectarines (foliar treatment)
  • Okra (foliar treatment)
  • Olives (foliar treatment)
  • Oranges (foliar treatment)
  • Parsley (foliar treatment)
  • Parsnips (foliar treatment)
  • Peaches (foliar treatment)
  • Peanuts (foliar treatment)
  • Pears (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (foliar treatment)
  • Pecans (foliar treatment)
  • Peppers (foliar treatment)
  • Plums (bark treatment)
  • Plums (foliar treatment)
  • Potatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Prunes (bark treatment)
  • Prunes (foliar treatment)
  • Pumpkin (foliar treatment)
  • Quinces (foliar treatment)
  • Radishes (foliar treatment)
  • Raspberries (foliar treatment)
  • Rutabagas (foliar treatment)
  • Salsify (foliar treatment)
  • Southern peas (foliar treatment)
  • Spinach (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (foliar treatment)
  • Swiss chard (foliar treatment)
  • Tangelos (foliar treatment)
  • Tangerines (foliar treatment)
  • Tomatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Turnips (foliar treatment)
  • Walnuts (foliar treatment)