Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 279-9630
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Dupont Cansio Herbicide' is an herbicide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 279-9630. It was originally approved by EPA on 17 Aug 2015. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Metribuzin, Thifensulfuron, and Tribenuron-methyl. It's approved for 4 sites including agricultural fields, barley, and wheat. It is also approved for 113 pests and pest groups including but not limited to annual bluegrass, annual polemonium, annual sowthistle, bittercress, black mustard, blackgrass, blue mustard, broadleaf dock, buckwheat, and bulbous bluegrass.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- DPX-U6C86 75DF HERBICIDEAlternate
- Address:
2929 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Active ingredients:
- Metribuzin 64.3%
- Thifensulfuron 7.1%
- Tribenuron-methyl 3.6%
- Other ingredients 25%
Signal word:
Product type:
- Water Dispersible Granule
Registered target pests:
- Annual bluegrass
- Annual polemonium
- Annual sowthistle
- Bittercress
- Black mustard
- Blackgrass
- Blue mustard
- Broadleaf dock
- Buckwheat
- Bulbous bluegrass
- Burr buttercup
- Bushy wallflower
- Buttercup
- Canada thistle
- Catchweed
- Catchweed bedstraw
- Cheat
- Clasping pepperweed
- Coast fiddleneck
- Common chickweed
- Common cocklebur
- Common groundsel
- Common lambsquarters
- Common mallow
- Common ragweed
- Common sunflower
- Common vetch
- Conical catchfly
- Corn chamomile
- Corn cockle
- Corn gromwell
- Corn spurry
- Cow cockle
- Curly dock
- Cutleaf eveningprimrose
- Cutleaf nightshade
- Dandelion
- Dogfennel
- Downy brome
- False chamomile
- Field chickweed
- Field pennycress
- Flixweed
- Foxtail
- Geranium
- Green smartweed
- Gromwell
- Hairy nightshade
- Hairy vetch
- Hare barley
- Hempnettle
- Henbit
- Ivyleaf speedwell
- Jacob's ladder
- Japanese brome
- Jim hill mustard
- Knawel
- Kochia
- Ladysthumb
- Lanceleaf sage
- Little mallow
- London rocket
- Madwort
- Marshelder
- Mayweed chamomile
- Minerslettuce
- Mouseear chickweed
- Mouseearcress
- Nightflowering catchfly
- No pest
- Pennsylvania smartweed
- Pigweed
- Pineappleweed
- Prickly lettuce
- Prostrate knotweed
- Prostrate pigweed
- Purple mustard
- Radish
- Redmaids
- Redroot pigweed
- Redstem filaree
- Rescuegrass
- Ripgut brome
- Russian thistle
- Scentless chamomile
- Shepherdspurse
- Slimleaf lambsquarters
- Smallflower buttercup
- Smallseed falseflax
- Spring whitlowgrass
- Stinking chickweed
- Stinking mayweed
- Sunflower (volunteer)
- Swinecress
- Tansymustard
- Tarweed
- Tarweed fiddleneck
- Texas filaree
- Treacle mustard
- Tumble mustard
- Vernal whitlowwort
- Virginia pepperweed
- Volunteer lentils
- Volunteer peas
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild chamomile
- Wild garlic
- Wild mustard
- Wild oat
- Wild radish
- Wild turnip
- Windgrass
- Winter vetch
Registered target sites:
- Agricultural fields (fallow) (foliar treatment)
- Barley (spring) (foliar treatment)
- Barley (winter) (foliar treatment)
- Wheat (winter) (foliar treatment)