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Label & SDS

EPA Label: link

Registration information

  • U.S. EPA Registration number: 4-58
  • U.S. EPA Status: ACTIVE


'Na' is a fungicide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 4-58. It was originally approved by EPA on 04 Mar 1949. It has a 'Warning' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Basic copper sulfate. It's approved for 154 sites including almonds, apples, apricots, arborvitae, aster, avocado, azalea, beans, beets, and begonia. It is also approved for 113 pests and pest groups including but not limited to algae, alternaria spp., angular leaf spot, angular leaf spot of cucurbits, anthracnose, anthracnose of cucurbits, anthracnose of rose, anthracnose of tomato, apple blotch, and apple scab.

Original registration date:

  • 04 Mar 1949

Cancellation date:

  • n/a

Alternative names:

  • NAAlternate


    Attn: Audra Star
  • Address:
    6301 Sutliff Road
    Oriskany, NY 13424

Active ingredients:

  • Basic copper sulfate 7%
  • Other ingredients 93%

Signal word:

  • Warning

Product type:

  • Fungicide


  • Wettable Powder/Dust

Registered target pests:

  • Algae
  • Alternaria spp.
  • Angular leaf spot (bean) (isariopsis griseola)
  • Angular leaf spot of cucurbits (pseudomonas lachrymans)
  • Anthracnose
  • Anthracnose (colletotricum)
  • Anthracnose (gloeosporium)
  • Anthracnose (glomerella)
  • Anthracnose (marssonina melonis)
  • Anthracnose (neofabraea)
  • Anthracnose of cucurbits (colletotrichum lagenarium)
  • Anthracnose of rose (elsinoe rosarum)
  • Anthracnose of tomato (colletotrichum phomoides)
  • Apple blotch (phyllosticta)
  • Apple scab (venturia inaequailis)
  • Bacterial blast (pseudomonas)
  • Bacterial blight (xanthomonas)
  • Bacterial canker (pseudomonas syringae)
  • Bacterial spot (xanthomonas)
  • Ball moss
  • Bitter rot (glomerella cingulata)
  • Black pox (helminthosporium)
  • Black rot (physalospora)
  • Black rot of grapes (guignardia bidwellii)
  • Black spot of rose (diplocarpon rosae)
  • Blight
  • Blue mold
  • Botrytis blight
  • Brooks fruit spot (mycosphaerella pomi)
  • Brown rot (monilinia)
  • Brown rot/blossom/twig blight (monilinia)
  • Brown spot needle blight (systremma acicola)
  • Bud and twig blight (briosia)
  • Cane spot (ascospora)
  • Citrus canker
  • Cladosporium leaf mold/gray leaf mold
  • Collar rot (phytophthora)
  • Coryneum blight (shothole)
  • Crown rot (phytophthora)
  • Dead-bud (pseudomonas)
  • Dieback
  • Downy mildew
  • Downy mildew (bremia lactucae)
  • Downy mildew (peronospora)
  • Downy mildew of bean (phytophthora phaseoli)
  • Downy mildew of carrot (plasmopara nivea)
  • Downy mildew of crucifers (peronospora parasitica)
  • Downy mildew of cucurbits (pseudoperonospora cubensis)
  • Downy mildew of grape (plasmopara viticola)
  • Downy mildew of onions (peronospora destructor)
  • Downy mildew of pea (peronospora viciae)
  • Downy mildew of rose (peronospora sparsa)
  • Downy mildew of strawberry (peronospora fragariae)
  • Early blight
  • Early blight (alternaria)
  • Early blight (cercospora)
  • Early blight of celery (cercospora apii)
  • Eastern filbert blight
  • European canker (nectria)
  • Fire blight (erwinia)
  • Flyspeck (zygophiala jamaicensis)
  • Greasy spot (cercospora)
  • Gummy stem blight (mycosphaerella citrullina/melonis)
  • Kernel rot (phytophthora cactorum)
  • Late blight (phytophthora)
  • Late blight (septoria)
  • Late blight of celery (large spot) septoria apii
  • Late blight of celery (small spot) septoria apii graveolentis
  • Leaf blight
  • Leaf blight (dendrophoma)
  • Leaf blight (fabraea)
  • Leaf blister (taphrina)
  • Leaf curl
  • Leaf mold (septoria)
  • Leaf mold (stemphylium)
  • Leaf scorch
  • Leaf scorch (angular leaf spot)(septoria azaleae)
  • Leaf scorch (diplocarpon)
  • Leaf spot
  • Leaf spot (alternaria)
  • Leaf spot (ascochyta)
  • Leaf spot (cercospora)
  • Leaf spot (phoma)
  • Lichens
  • Melanose (diaporthe)
  • Moss
  • Nailhead rust (uromyces)
  • Needle cast (rhabdocline)
  • Olive knot (pseudomonas savastanoi)
  • Panicle blight (cercospora)
  • Peacock spot (cycloclonium)
  • Pear scab (venturia pyrina)
  • Pecan shuck disease
  • Pink pitting (mycosphaerella)
  • Powdery mildew (erysiphe cichoracearum)
  • Powdery mildew (phyllactinia corylea)
  • Powdery mildew (podosphaera leucotricha)
  • Powdery mildew (podosphaera oxyacanthae)
  • Powdery mildew (sphaerotheca pannosa)
  • Purple blotch (alternaria)
  • Rose bloom (exobasidium)
  • Scab
  • Scab of cucurbits (cladosporium cucumerinum)
  • Shot hole
  • Shothole (coryneum)
  • Sooty blotch (gloeodes)
  • Spanish moss
  • Stem canker
  • Walnut blight (xanthomonas)
  • White rot
  • White rust (albugo)
  • Yellow rust (kuehneola)
  • Zonate leaf spot of pecan (cristulariella pyramidalis)

Registered target sites:

  • Almonds (delayed dormant application)
  • Almonds (dormant application)
  • Almonds (popcorn stage application)
  • Apples (dormant)
  • Apples (foliar treatment)
  • Apricots (delayed dormant application)
  • Apricots (dormant application)
  • Apricots (foliar treatment)
  • Apricots (popcorn stage application)
  • Arborvitae (foliar treatment)
  • Aster (foliar treatment)
  • Avocado (foliar treatment)
  • Azalea (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (dry) (foliar treatment)
  • Beans (green) (foliar treatment)
  • Beets (foliar treatment)
  • Begonia (foliar treatment)
  • Blackberries (aurora) (dormant application)
  • Blackberries (aurora) (foliar treatment)
  • Blackberries (boysen) (dormant application)
  • Blackberries (boysen) (foliar treatment)
  • Blackberries (cascade) (dormant application)
  • Blackberries (cascade) (foliar treatment)
  • Blackberries (chehalem) (dormant application)
  • Blackberries (foliar treatment)
  • Blackberries (logan) (dormant application)
  • Blackberries (logan) (foliar treatment)
  • Blackberries (marion) (dormant application)
  • Blackberries (marion) (foliar treatment)
  • Blackberries (santiam) (dormant application)
  • Blackberries (santiam) (foliar treatment)
  • Blackberries (thornless evergreen) (dormant application)
  • Blackberries (thornless evergreen) (foliar treatment)
  • Blueberries (foliar treatment)
  • Broccoli (foliar treatment)
  • Brussels sprouts (foliar treatment)
  • Cabbage (foliar treatment)
  • Camellia (foliar treatment)
  • Caneberries (dormant application)
  • Caneberries (foliar treatment)
  • Cantaloupes (foliar treatment)
  • Carrots (foliar treatment)
  • Cauliflower (foliar treatment)
  • Celeriac (foliar treatment)
  • Celery (foliar treatment)
  • Cherries (dormant application)
  • Cherries (foliar treatment)
  • Cherries (sour) (delayed dormant application)
  • Cherries (sour) (foliar treatment)
  • Cherries (sour/tart) (popcorn stage application)
  • Chive (foliar treatment)
  • Chrysanthemum (foliar treatment)
  • Citrus (delayed dormant application)
  • Citrus (foliar treatment)
  • Cranberries (delayed dormant application)
  • Cranberries (foliar treatment)
  • Cranberries (postharvest application to plants)
  • Cucumbers (foliar treatment)
  • Currants (delayed dormant application)
  • Currants (foliar treatment)
  • Cypress (foliar treatment)
  • Dill (foliar treatment)
  • Dogwood (foliar treatment)
  • Douglas-fir (foliar treatment)
  • Eggplant (foliar treatment)
  • Endive (escarole) (foliar treatment)
  • Filberts (postharvest application to plant)
  • Gardenia (foliar treatment)
  • Garlic (foliar treatment)
  • Gooseberries (delayed dormant application)
  • Gooseberries (foliar treatment)
  • Grapefruit (delayed dormant application)
  • Grapefruit (foliar treatment)
  • Grapes (foliar treatment)
  • Guava (delayed dormant application)
  • Hawthorn (foliar treatment)
  • Honeydew melons (foliar treatment)
  • Ivy (foliar treatment)
  • Juniper (foliar treatment)
  • Kiwi (foliar treatment)
  • Kumquat (delayed dormant application)
  • Kumquat (foliar treatment)
  • Laurel (foliar treatment)
  • Lemons (delayed dormant application)
  • Lemons (foliar treatment)
  • Lettuce (foliar treatment)
  • Lilac (foliar treatment)
  • Limes (delayed dormant application)
  • Limes (foliar treatment)
  • Live oak (foliar treatment)
  • Macadamia nuts (foliar treatment)
  • Mangos (delayed dormant application)
  • Mangos (foliar treatment)
  • Maple (foliar treatment)
  • Marigold (foliar treatment)
  • Melons (foliar treatment)
  • Muskmelons (foliar treatment)
  • Nectarines (delayed dormant application)
  • Nectarines (dormant application)
  • Oak (foliar treatment)
  • Olives (postharvest application to plant)
  • Onions (foliar treatment)
  • Oranges (delayed dormant application)
  • Oranges (foliar treatment)
  • Ornamental flowering shrubs (foliar treatment)
  • Papayas (foliar treatment)
  • Parsley (foliar treatment)
  • Passion fruit (delayed dormant application)
  • Passion fruit (foliar treatment)
  • Peaches (delayed dormant application)
  • Peaches (dormant)
  • Peanuts (foliar treatment)
  • Pears (dormant application)
  • Pears (foliar treatment)
  • Peas (foliar treatment)
  • Pecans (delayed dormant application)
  • Pecans (dormant application)
  • Pecans (foliar treatment)
  • Peppers (foliar treatment)
  • Phlox (foliar treatment)
  • Pine (foliar treatment)
  • Pistachio nuts (delayed dormant treatment)
  • Pistachio nuts (foliar treatment)
  • Plums (delayed dormant application)
  • Plums (dormant application)
  • Plums (foliar treatment)
  • Potatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Prunes (delayed dormant treatment)
  • Prunes (dormant application)
  • Prunes (foliar treatment)
  • Pummelo (delayed dormant application)
  • Pummelo (foliar treatment)
  • Pumpkin (foliar treatment)
  • Pyracantha (foliar treatment)
  • Quinces (dormant application)
  • Quinces (foliar treatment)
  • Raspberries (dormant application)
  • Raspberries (foliar treatment)
  • Rhododendron (foliar treatment)
  • Roses (foliar treatment)
  • Spinach (foliar treatment)
  • Squash (foliar treatment)
  • Stocks (foliar treatment)
  • Strawberries (foliar treatment)
  • Sycamore (foliar treatment)
  • Tangelos (delayed dormant application)
  • Tangelos (foliar treatment)
  • Tangerines (delayed dormant application)
  • Tangerines (foliar treatment)
  • Tomatoes (foliar treatment)
  • Walnuts (delayed dormant application)
  • Walnuts (foliar treatment)
  • Watercress (foliar treatment)
  • Watermelon (foliar treatment)