Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 228-290
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Riverdale Mcpa-6 Amine' is an herbicide terrestrial. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 228-290. It was originally approved by EPA on 30 Jun 1989. Its registration got cancelled on 06 Feb 2013. It has a 'Danger' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: MCPA, dimethylamine salt. It's approved for 27 sites including agricultural, alfalfa, barley, barley-legume mixture, clover, fallow land, fencerows, flax, flax-legume mixture, and grasses. It is also approved for 35 pests and pest groups including but not limited to arrowhead, broadleaf weeds, buttercup, canada thistle, cocklebur, dandelion, dragonhead, goatsbeard, hempnettle, and hoary cress.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- Address:
11901 S. Austin Avenue
Alsip, IL 60803
Active ingredients:
- Mcpa, dimethylamine salt 75%
- Other ingredients 25%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Arrowhead
- Broadleaf weeds
- Buttercup
- Canada thistle
- Cocklebur
- Dandelion
- Dragonhead
- Goatsbeard
- Hempnettle
- Hoary cress
- Kochia
- Lambsquarters
- Marshelder
- Mint
- Mustard
- No pest
- Pepperweed
- Pigweed
- Plantain
- Puncturevine
- Purslane
- Ragweed
- Redstem
- Shepherdspurse
- Sowthistle
- Stinging nettle
- Stinkweed
- Sunflower
- Vetch
- Waterplantain
- Whitebrush
- Whitetop
- Wild radish
- Wintercress
- Yellow rocket
Registered target sites:
- Agricultural (noncrop areas) (foliar treatment)
- Alfalfa (foliar treatment)
- Barley (foliar treatment)
- Barley-legume mixture (foliar treatment)
- Clover (foliar treatment)
- Clover (red) (underseed) (foliar treatment)
- Clover (white) (underseed)
- Fallow land (foliar treatment)
- Fencerows (foliar treatment)
- Flax (foliar treatment)
- Flax-legume mixture (foliar treatment)
- Grasses (forage) (seed crop foliar treatment)
- Lespedeza (foliar treatment)
- Noncrop areas (foliar treatment)
- Oats (foliar treatment)
- Oats-legume mixture (foliar treatment)
- Pastures (foliar treatment)
- Rangeland (foliar treatment)
- Rice (foliar treatment)
- Rights-of-way (highway) (foliar treatment)
- Roadsides (foliar treatment)
- Rye (foliar treatment)
- Rye-legume mixture (foliar treatment)
- Small grain-legume mixture (foliar treatment)
- Small grains (foliar treatment)
- Wheat (foliar treatment)
- Wheat-legume mixture (foliar treatment)