Label & SDS
EPA Label:
Registration information
- U.S. EPA Registration number: 524-591
- U.S. EPA Status:
'Warrant Herbicide' is an herbicide. Its Federal EPA registration number is: 524-591. It was originally approved by EPA on 04 Feb 2010. It has a 'Caution' signal word. It has the following active ingredients: Acetochlor. It's approved for 17 sites including alfalfa, corn, cotton, irrigation supply systems, nonfood crops, peanuts, sorghum, soybeans, and sugar beets. It is also approved for 45 pests and pest groups including but not limited to annual grasses, barnyardgrass, black nightshade, bristly starbur, broadleaf signalgrass, broadleaf weeds, browntop panicum, carelessweed, carpetweed, and crabgrass.
Original registration date:
Cancellation date:
Alternative names:
- MON 63410 HERBICIDEActive
- Address:
800 N. Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63141
Active ingredients:
- Acetochlor 33%
- Other ingredients 67%
Signal word:
Product type:
Registered target pests:
- Annual grasses (preemergence)
- Barnyardgrass (preemergence)
- Black nightshade (preemergence)
- Bristly starbur (preemergence)
- Broadleaf signalgrass (preemergence)
- Broadleaf weeds (preemergence)
- Browntop panicum (preemergence)
- Carelessweed (preemergence)
- Carpetweed (preemergence)
- Crabgrass (preemergence)
- Crowfootgrass (preemergence)
- Cutleaf groundcherry (preemergence)
- Fall panicum (preemergence)
- Florida beggarweed (preemergence)
- Florida pusley (preemergence)
- Foxtail millet (preemergence)
- Galinsoga (preemergence)
- Giant foxtail (preemergence)
- Goosegrass (preemergence)
- Grassbur (preemergence)
- Green foxtail (preemergence)
- Hairy nightshade (preemergence)
- Henbit (preemergence)
- Johnsongrass (seedling) (preemergence)
- Lambsquarters (preemergence)
- No pest
- Pigweed (preemergence)
- Prairie cupgrass (preemergence)
- Prickly sida (preemergence)
- Purslane (preemergence)
- Red rice (preemergence)
- Red sprangletop (preemergence)
- Robust purple foxtail (preemergence)
- Robust white foxtail (preemergence)
- Sandbur (preemergence)
- Shattercane (preemergence)
- Smartweed (preemergence)
- Teaweed (preemergence)
- Texas panicum (preemergence)
- Waterhemp (preemergence)
- Wheat (volunteer) (preemergence)
- Wild cane (preemergence)
- Wild oat (preemergence)
- Witchgrass (preemergence)
- Yellow foxtail (preemergence)
Registered target sites:
- Alfalfa (foliar treatment)
- Alfalfa (soil treatment)
- Corn (field) (soil treatment)
- Corn (seed crop soil treatment)
- Corn (seed crop) (foliar treatment)
- Cotton (foliar treatment)
- Cotton (soil treatment)
- Irrigation supply systems
- Nonfood crops (soil treatment)
- Peanuts (foliar treatment)
- Peanuts (soil treatment)
- Sorghum (forage) (soil treatment)
- Sorghum (grain) (milo) (soil treatment)
- Soybeans (foliar treatment)
- Soybeans (soil treatment)
- Sugar beets (foliar treatment)
- Sugar beets (soil treatment)